
The causes of altered gut flora

Intestinal disorders may depend on multiple factors and be of various origin.
With its extensive line of products, Flormidabìl can provide the right solution for each issue.

FlorMidabìl Daily

Unbalanced diet
Long-term therapies
Chronic intestinal disorders

(Irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory diseases, etc.)

FlorMidabìl Daily

70 billion probiotics
to promote the balance of intestinal flora

To feed your well-being day after day

FlorMidabìl Ricarica

Acute colitis
Infections of the gastrointestinal tract
and intense treatments
FlorMidabìl Ricarica

100 billion probiotics
to promote the balance of intestinal flora

When quick, swift action is needed

FlorMidabìl Stop

induced, for example, by
FlorMidabìl Stop

70 billion probiotics
with 10 billion saccharomyces boulardii

To promote gut balance
when needed

FlorMidabìl Ultra

Post-flu conditions
and prolonged convalescence
Intense sport or working
in these conditions intestinal imbalance may
be associated with exhaustion, mental
fatigue, or stress.
FlorMidabìl Ultra

70 billion probiotics
with vitamin B1, B2, B6 e B12

When gut flora
needs an extra help